10 3.Red Bird he broken chains we don't discuss She's praying for the miraculous Her baby bird gotta fly In this world of hungry hunters Guns pointed to the. en Ooh pockets loaded Diamond chain they glowing Ooh and they showing Money on my thoughts Ooh watch me blow it Cop shit when I'm bored That you can't afford(Yea). d Loaded loaded loaded loaded Chain white like it's snowing Drive my car like it's stolen Wipe my nose I'ma blow it Watch cost81 thousand like Terrell Owens Count. ring justice me I say I never saw that shit But if my house got burgl 9 18.Loaded d Diamond chain they glowing Ooh and they showing Money I'mma throw it Ooh watch me blow it Cop shit when I'm bored That you can't afford Load. my nose like Pain Man I never saw this bitch before How the fuck she 7 5.Beautiful Oblivion s off the chain bro I saw it in Brasil it went freaking nuts 8 7.The Stereotype for a new chain Don't get it twisted I wear one but that shit will come after all the bills are paid And I can say'yo go get your hair done' E. my nose like Pain Man I never saw this bitch before How the fuck she know my name She said'Lil Uzi hello' I looked at her'Oh hey'(hello) You ain't never seen past. ittle boy you know you know I saw you on a PJ When you gon' fly me ouĦ 1.New Patek ptimus My chain white gold your shit look like copper bruh MCM yeah that shit made out of ostrich bruh But I don't wear that give that to my h.

with you I could've been I've chained myself to my mistakes I can't e 4 21.Beautiful Oblivion s off the chain bro I saw it in Brasil it went freaking nuts 5 4.The Glorious Five yin' fake chains at the mall so girls be like'ooh he clean' Daydreams that my life is like a movie scene Sippin' liquor puffin' green so obsce. son here I am with a ball and chain yeah Oh musha ring dumb a do dumb 3 1.Could've Been said if I saw you I'd be fine with just being friends But now I'm caught up on the thought of us again Cause it could've been me I could've be. 附身了好多好多膽小鬼 Strung together by chains sliding quickly to the destinati 2 12.Whiskey In TheJar untains I saw Captain Farrell and his money he was countin' I first produced my pistol and then produced my rapier I said stand o'er and deliv. Album ( Page Link ) Song ( Page Link ) ( Partial Lyrics ) 1 4.Coward e and you saw a sour expression on the boss's face你暴怒然後和討厭的同事大吵你看到老闆臉上厭煩的表情 You called your friend to have dinner after work she said she got.